PLAB 2 Exam

PLAB 2 is an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) taken after successfully completing PLAB 1 exam. The exam covers everything a UK doctor might expect to face on their first day of Foundation Year Two (FY2), and is usually taken at the General Medical Council (GMC) building in Manchester City, United Kingdom.

PLAB 2 exam has 18 stations in total, each station lasting eight minutes. There are usually 2 rest stations included and a 90 seconds gap between each station to read the instructions and patient information. The whole exam takes around 3 hours and 10 minutes to complete.


Covid 19 Special Exam Changes:

  • 15 stations in total (3 rest stations included)
  • Each station lasting 8 minutes
  • 90 seconds gap between each station
  • The whole exam takes around 2 hours, 51 minutes to complete


How is PLAB 2 exam marked?

PLAB 2 exam assesses doctors against UK current best practice. Each station/scenario is marked in 3 main areas:

  1. Data gathering, technical and assessment skills (4 marks)
  2. Clinical management skills (4 marks)
  3. Interpersonal skills (4 marks)

Each station/scenario is marked out of 12 marks in total. The maximum mark one can score for PLAB 2 exam is 216. The pass mark differs for individual exam day. In order to pass the PLAB 2 exam one must achieve the pass mark for that particular day as well as pass at least 11 out of 18 stations.


Best of luck!